So you already know I have a thing for beautiful photography. It’s well and truly my favoured creative outlet, but I would also like to share a little of who I am, my other passions in life and how I came to be a photographer. My road to photography started as a hobby in my youth. I would dapple in and experiment with film photography – taking pictures of interesting walls, doors, streetscapes, people and the cats that I owned. I was lured with the anticipation of discovering the final outcome of processing black and white rolls of film in the darkroom at school. Then as chance would have it, digital photography flooded our world! Eventually, teaching became my other passion and career and I continued photographing for fun. It became my creative outlet to balance the stress of teaching. Years later I spent a solid chunk of time capturing friends on their wedding day that I started to take on the odd job documenting weddings and working alongside a wonderful mentor who has since retired. In 2011, I completed my Diploma in Photography and not long after that I had my beautiful son. Immediately, I fell in love with photographing newborns and children, and founded my photography business in 2013. When I’m not behind the lens, I swap my bulky camera gear for an equally bulky bag filled with my laptop, planner, resources and lessons. I’ve been a high school History teacher for two decades! It’s challenging, inspiring, fun, hectic, mentally, physically and emotionally draining, and of course, fulfilling! One day, I would love to combine my love of photography and teaching in one. I’m also deeply in love with the family I have created. Alongside my super supportive and incredible hubby, there’s also my adorable little guy and girl, who I love spending my days with. I’m a self-confessed nerd who loves exploring the outdoors – unlucky for my family and friends who have to hike with me! I’m also a sucker for spy-action flicks, cute classic roadsters, handmade/vintage crafts and objects, sewing, DIY home improvements and decor, and my greatest weakness of all – desserts! I’m a wanderlust at heart and I can’t think of a better combination than travel, history and photography. Whisk me away to any destination, leave me to immerse in its history, culture and the great outdoors, and I’m in heaven on earth.